Building true wealth in these times…

We are really in unprecedented times in the world right now. A lot of people are dealing with uncertainty about the future especially as our mortality is been questioned. 

In my role leading a financial technology Company, I have a vantage view where I can observe and sometimes guide people’s behavior as they plan towards a future that they can’t clearly determine the outcome.

Working with small businesses at Owoafara, I see the desire to grow and find ways to expand despite the current economic challenges. Working with Investors who are looking for new pathways to get better return on their investment through Rouzo, I also see a similar desire to grow their income whilst still having a semblance of certainty.

 We all desire a sense of certainty. According to Tony Robbins, certainty; defined as the assurance that you can avoid pain and gain pleasure is one of the 6 human needs. Which is why people feel out of control when things are uncertain.

So the question now arises: should I just let it all go in a free fall or should I keep fighting to achieve my dreams? I will like to propose a balance based on the R.I.P principle which I taught some investors in our wealth builders webinar.

Coincidentally R.I.P is used for people who have passed on, however I will like to give a new meaning to R.I.P for people who want to build true wealth and live a meaningful life.


We all want some sort of compensation for our efforts and resources. The business person wants to make sales and earn revenues, the career person or professional wants to get paid fairly (or unfairly if possible) and the average investor always seeks return on their investment.

Our desire for returns is tied to another human need, which is the need for growth. Returns give us the tangible evidence of growth which gives us the personal satisfaction that we are doing something worthwhile. The interesting thing about returns is that it also exposes our real appetite for risk.

 Some people are content with little returns because they would rather not take risks. Some people want better returns so they are willing to take a bit more risk. I always advice investors on Rouzo to understand their risk appetite and be clear about why they are investing to decide their investment pathway.

In times like this, if you do nothing, you will get nothing as days will still go by and you will still be accountable for the days because 2020 is not cancelled contrary to the memes. The steward who did nothing in the Bible was rebuked for doing nothing and what he had was taken away.


After all is said and done, we are only remembered in this world for the contribution we made to the world. Our acquisitions don’t matter if they have not impacted anyone’s life.

You might have mourned for someone recently and when you think of the person, what makes you remember them is the impact they have made in your life.

As we navigate life and deal with our day to desires to make money and build wealth, we have to be clear of the purpose of wealth. You should build wealth because you want to make an impact and you should also make an impact in your journey to building wealth.

One question you can ask yourself is; what impact am I making doing what I am doing currently? How are my resources helping me to make an impact on people’s lives?

We always appreciate our investors at Rouzo because by investing on the platform, they are enabling resilient small businesses to re-build and expand their businesses. They are investing in impact.

Impact is not restricted to money. You can make an impact with your gift or skills or talents. That’s when you will understand that true wealth is not what you keep, but what you give.

Peace of mind

The great Napoleon Hill said that success in its highest form calls for peace of mind.

What is the point of building wealth if you cannot enjoy peace of mind? Peace of mind can come from a sense of inner satisfaction knowing that you are living your life the best way you can. It can come through Faith; in knowing that there is someone much greater than yourself who is in control. It can also come from a sense of contribution, knowing you are living a life in service to others.

I have heard the stories of wealthy people who say they find it hard to sleep at night because they lack peace. I can almost hear Solomon’s voice saying; vanity upon vanity.

My summation for building true wealth therefore is a combination of Returns, impact and peace of mind. So the next time you here R.I.P I hope it takes on a new meaning to you and becomes a call to build true wealth.

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